by Editor | Nov 30, 2016 | Case Summaries
Gill Nadel + Ohad Krief, Goldfarb Seligman, Israel Background: Importers utilize the services of various logistics entities in the cargo transportation process, including international forwarders, shipping companies, air carriers, custom brokers, logistic warehouses...
by Editor | Nov 29, 2016 | Case Summaries, Commercial Issues
Gavin Magrath, Magrath’s International Legal Counsel, Toronto, Canada Facts: The plaintiff, a US bank, had lent an American individual (McMahon) USD$146,390 for the purchase of the “Never E Nuff” , a 38-foot pleasure craft, and had registered the mortgage with the US...
by Editor | Nov 13, 2016 | Case Summaries, Commercial Issues
Shmuel Grossman, Grossman, Cordova, Gilad & Co, Israel A ruling given a number of days ago in the Israeli Supreme Court, demonstrates how the legislation governing the requirements to pay customs duty is to be interpreted. This relates to a dispute between a...
by Editor | Nov 7, 2016 | Case Summaries
George Wang, Dentons Beijing The practices of cargo forwarding businesses are always contentious, especially in Chinese jurisdiction, where the industry is governed by several statutory laws and regulations. Every party involved should be scrupulous when doing the...
by Editor | Nov 6, 2016 | Carriage by Sea, Case Summaries, National Issues
Gill Nadel + Ohad Krief, Goldfarb Seligman, Israel Importers utilize the services of various logistics entities in the cargo transportation process, including international forwarders, shipping companies, air carriers, custom brokers, logistic warehouses and many...
by Steve Block | Aug 29, 2016 | Carriage by Sea, Case Summaries, Legal Lookout, Transport Documents
Steve Block, Foster Pepper PLLC, USA Whether master contract trumps conflicting bill of lading is a question of fact not properly decided on summary judgment. Shipper-carrier volume cargo arrangements typically are documented by master contracts stating general terms...