by Editor | Nov 29, 2016 | Case Summaries, Commercial Issues
Gavin Magrath, Magrath’s International Legal Counsel, Toronto, Canada Facts: The plaintiff, a US bank, had lent an American individual (McMahon) USD$146,390 for the purchase of the “Never E Nuff” , a 38-foot pleasure craft, and had registered the mortgage with the US...
by Editor | Nov 13, 2016 | Case Summaries, Commercial Issues
Shmuel Grossman, Grossman, Cordova, Gilad & Co, Israel A ruling given a number of days ago in the Israeli Supreme Court, demonstrates how the legislation governing the requirements to pay customs duty is to be interpreted. This relates to a dispute between a...
by Editor | Oct 28, 2016 | Commercial Issues
Arnold Van Steenderen, Van Steenderen Mainport Lawyers, Rotterdam On 1 September 2016 the Seoul Central District Court (6th Bench of Bankruptcy Division) decided on the request of Hanjin of 31 August 2016 to commence a rehabilitation procedure for the company since...
by Editor | Mar 27, 2015 | Commercial Issues
Paul Bugden, Bugden + Co., London International forwarding and logistics, and indeed international trade more generally, nowadays often involves significant overseas investment; especially as new markets develop in emerging countries. Cross-border investments in...