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General Editor: Gavin Magrath, Canada.
Recent Articles
Sanctions – Right of retention on airplane engine by forwarder
The Netherlands – Right of retention on airplane engine by forwarding agent (defendant) due to impending fine based on Regulation (EU) 2023/1529 concerning restrictive measures in light of Iran's military support of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine...
Netherlands: FENEX conditions, right of retention
Charlotte J. van Steenderen, Van Steenderen Mainport Lawyers, Rotterdam Ref: Judgment of the Rotterdam District Court 14 November 2024, ECLI:NL:RBROT: 2024:11505 in the interim relief proceedings between Intertoys B.V., claimant and Flexport International LLC,...
Trade Tensions Between Mexico and the U.S.: Impact
Trade Tensions Between Mexico and the U.S.: Impact on Foreign Trade and Global Logistics María Elena Sierra Díaz, AS Consultores, Mexico Introduction The trade relationship between Mexico and the United States is facing uncertainty following President Donald Trump’s...
Fimbank Plc v KCH Shipping
Paul Bugden, Bugden + Co., London Ref: Fimbank Plc v KCH Shipping Co Ltd [2024] UKSC 38 The international carriage of goods by sea is almost invariably governed either by the Hague Rules, a 1924 international convention for the unification of rules of law relating to...
FIMBank plc v KCH Shipping Co Ltd
John Habergham, Myton Law, Hull U.K. This matter reached our highest appellate court, The Supreme Court. I discussed the Court of Appeal decision in July 2023 - see the previous article on this website for the background. In short, the Supreme Court upheld the core...
Mitigating Losses: What you need to know
Kasia Czarnota, Associate, Mills Oakley, Australia Every day, thousands of goods enter and exit Australia. Usually, they arrive at their intended destination in good condition. However, sometimes they arrive damaged, or they do not arrive at all. Where the damage or...
Renewables Arbitration – A Perspective From China
Christian Liu, Legal Director, Clyde & Co Investors have previously been wary of entering the energy market in China, and for good reason. China’s energy sector is highly regulated, with rigid licensing regimes and exclusive rights for state-owned enterprises....
Montreal Convention Damage Limitations Increase
Gavin Magrath, Magrath’s International Legal Counsel, Toronto, Canada Readers are reminded that the limitation on liability for damage to air cargo under the Montreal Convention is increasing from 22 SDRs to 26 SDRs as of 28 December 2024. Limits on liability for lost...
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