by Editor | Apr 14, 2017 | National Issues
Gavin Magrath, Magrath’s International Legal Counsel, Canada The Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Minister of Foreign Affairs, announced that Canada is repealing its sanctions against Côte d’Ivoire and Liberia under the United Nations Act. Pursuant to United Nations...
by Editor | Apr 11, 2017 | National Issues
Natalya Myroshnychenko, Interlegal Law Firm, Ukraine For a party suffering damage from a tort or breach of contract, it may be of key importance to sue not only the person liable, but also the liability insurer behind that person. This is obviously hot topic in...
by Editor | Mar 16, 2017 | Commercial Issues, National Issues
Henrik Jantzen + Tine Fomsgaard, Kromann Reumert, Denmark In Denmark, a new version of the General Conditions of Danish port activities (DHAB) has been agreed on and the new version of DHAB, DHAB 2016, can be used from 31 January 2017. According to the Danish Port...
by Editor | Nov 24, 2016 | National Issues
Dr. Marco Remiorz, Dabelstein & Passehl, Germany Both the leading forwarder’s and cargo interests’ unions have agreed to recommend the application of the new German Freight Forwarders’ Standard Terms and Conditions (ADSp 2017) applicable from 1 January 2017...
by Editor | Nov 6, 2016 | Carriage by Sea, Case Summaries, National Issues
Gill Nadel + Ohad Krief, Goldfarb Seligman, Israel Importers utilize the services of various logistics entities in the cargo transportation process, including international forwarders, shipping companies, air carriers, custom brokers, logistic warehouses and many...
by Editor | Oct 20, 2016 | National Issues
Henrik Jantzen, Kromann Reumert, Denmark Ed note: this is part 2 of an article in two parts; the first part is posted here. 4) NSAB 2015 and the Freight Forwarder’s legal position 4.1) Applicability of NSAB 2015 As stated in the preamble to NSAB 2015, the terms...