by Editor | Oct 19, 2016 | National Issues
Henrik Jantzen, Kromann Reumert, Denmark 1) Freight Forwarding Business in Denmark Freight forwarding is a significant line of business in Denmark. A substantial part of import and export is carried out as road carriage and moreover Denmark is a transit for road...
by Editor | Sep 28, 2016 | Carriage by Road, National Issues
Mikhail Selivanov, Interlegal Ukraine FIATA states that freight forwarding companies get involved in nearly 80 % of international transportations by all types of vehicles. The official concept of “freight forwarding and logistic services” adopted on 29.10.2004 jointly...
by Editor | Apr 22, 2016 | National Issues
Frazer Hunt, Mills Oakley, Australia A right of stoppage is the right of an unpaid seller to stop goods in transit that they have sold to a purchaser, and retain them until payment of the purchase price. For an unpaid seller to exercise a right of stoppage it must,...
by Editor | Apr 22, 2016 | National Issues
Aage Krogh, IUNO Denmark Despite the presence of gross negligence, the Supreme Court of Norway acquitted a shipbroker who was not held liable since the shipping company, which had been misled, could not prove a loss. A Norwegian shipbroker was collecting tenders...
by Editor | Apr 17, 2016 | National Issues
Alexey Remeslo, Senior Lawyer, Interlegal, Law firm Freight forwarding is commonly defined as a business activity on rendering freight forwarding services in respect of supply and carriage of export, import, transit and other...
by Editor | Mar 23, 2016 | National Issues
Aage Krogh, IUNO Denmark A carrier was held liable for damages to goods caused by lifting and humidity, when the goods were being stored and transported within the port area previously to shipping. The carrier and the consignor did not have an established agreement...